Native American Medicine Bags Stones Meanings



Healing Stones Information
Acoma black Jet
To aid in survival, fight depression and fear. Jet can serve as a protective force in life's physical journeys. It is known as a "Traveler's amulet" .
Use to calm and refresh the body, for skin diseases, blood purification, intestinal problems, and other minor health problems.
Agate(blue lace)...
Peace and happiness.
Agate(green Moss)...
Gardening, believed to protect children; prevent bites of insects, scorpion, and snakes. Believed to calm and refresh the body, aid in skin diseases,
blood purification, intestinal problems, and other minor health problems.
Alleviates stress when held. Gives courage and banishes fears.
Calms and increases self-esteem. Reduces fever. Earthing and energetic, it is a powerful healing stone assisting the colon, circulatory system,
lymphatics, pancreas and the pulses. All agates assist physical and emotional security.
Enhances creative expression, aligns astral bodies, unity with life. Improves self worth.
 Amazonite is considered a soothing stone that offers confidence and works on the throat chakra. It is called the "hope stone" because it inspires confidence and hope.
One source says it is useful to activate lazy teenagers.
is believed to allow the body to heal based on transforming negative energy into positive energy.
It's an all around good health stone; reduces fever; improves eye sight.
Is believed to be a calming stone with protective qualities against danger, sickness and theft.
 Believed to enhance creativity, ones sense of beauty and attract love.
The Blue Chalcedony...
This gemstone has all of the properties of clear quartz crystals and is especially good at opening you up to spiritual enlightenment in an exceptionally peaceful way.
The natural energy coming from Blue Chalcedony has been described as being almost dream-like: gentle, smooth as silk, and flowing like a breeze upon the skin.
It is the perfect stone to keep in an office where tensions might tend to run a little hot during certain times (like deadlines). It not only helps communications to flow smoothly
 but also helps keep emotions under control and promotes honesty, especially with the spoken word and brotherhood. Blue Chalcedony is exceptional for use as a decoration in a child's bedroom.
 I have seen several stones added to a fish aquarium in a childs room, add on top of the soil in a plant and glued to the wall in a border around the room. Doing any of the above almost guarantees
 your child will not have bad dreams because the protective properties of Blue Chalcedony will keep all the things that normally cause a child's bad dreams away from the room so they can sleep in peace.
Strengthens and oxygenates blood stream. Enhances physical/mental vitality. Strengthens heart, spleen, bone marrow. Aids in balancing vitamin deficiencies.
Reduces emotional and mental stress. " The Stone of Courage" - also for renewal of the physical mental and emotional bodies. Another power healer.
It helps one toward the direct union with the divine through contemplation, prayer, or meditation and love. It has been used to stabilize, as necessary, the flow of blood.
Also a very good gem for business-self employed.
Believed to protect it'a possesor against fear, rage and envy as well as banishing sorrow while emphasizing love and it's powers.
Believed to assist in self-confidence, public speaking and theater.
Is a stone of support. It heals and stabilizes the home and relationships by drawing negative energies out of the environment and negative emotions from the self.
It calms, cleanses, and reenergizes the Chakras, and aligns them with the Divine. Chrysocolla is a tranquil stone. It reduces mental tension and reverses destructive emotional programming.
It promotes self-awareness and inner balance, enhances personal power, and imparts confidence, creativity, motivation, and inner strength. It heals heartache and increases the capacity to love.
 It also helps you to gracefully accept change and to overcome phobias. Chrysocolla helps improve communication. It promotes truth telling and impartiality.
It helps you to keep a cool head and to discern when to keep silent. Chrysocolla also aids meditation and opens psychic vision. physically, Chrysocolla treats arthritis, bone disease,
 the digestive tract, and ulcers. It gives oxygen to the blood and the cellular structure of the lungs, giving greater lung and breathing capacity. It detoxifies the liver, kidneys, and intestines.
It regenerates the pancreas and regulates insulin. Chrysocolla strengthens muscles and alleviates muscle cramps and spasms. It heals infections, especially in the throat and tonsils.
 It lowers blood pressure, and soothes burns. It strengthens the thyroid and is beneficial to metabolism. Chrysocolla also treats PMS and menstrual cramps.
Said to be one of the two minerals on the planet which does not hold and accumulate negative energy but dissipates and transmutes it. Hence it never needs clearing or cleansing.
 However most of the bright golden/orange citrine seen on the market is actually amethyst that has been subjected to intense heat by man. Natural citrine is less pretty and less common.
One has to ask if the qualities attributed to it still apply if it is not a natural citrine. Very likely, as the natural citrine is amethyst that turns golden under intense heat, albeit a natural process.
But I still think it's best to find a natural one if you can. It prevents self-destructive tendencies by assisting in raising self-esteem, giving cheer, light-heartedness, hope, warmth and energy.
 Energizes, promotes generosity and creativity. Try holding a piece when feeling low. Benefits kidney, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive organs, heart and tissue regeneration.
Cleanses the aura and detoxifies the body. Reduces anxiety, fear, depression, stomach tension, food disorders and allergies.
Often called the "merchants friend" as it is said to attract abundance and bring prosperity.

Copper is a powerful healing metal.

Said to protect from evil, increase imagination, intuition and assist visualization. Helps resolve conflicts. Aids digestion and protects against negativity.
The red orange stimulates energy and warmth, fertility. Energizes emotions, muscles, blood, heart, reproductive system, thyroid, metabolism, meridians, spine,
bone and tissue regeneration.
Dolomite is a gentle stone that encourages charitable actions, generosity and giving of all kinds, as well as receiving. It also encourages energetic thinking, original thinking, spontaneity,
 creativity, and manifestation. It can help develop stamina for dealing with hyperactive people. It is also used to stop energy leaks from the chakras, and to balance and align the chakras.
 It stabilizes both human and mineral energies, and when placed strategically in a home with other minerals they balance the energetic atmosphere.
It is a particularly good stone for relieving sorrow, and soothing hurt, loneliness and anxiety. Sometimes it is called the "herb" of rocks. In the physical realm it is also beneficial for strengthening bones,
 teeth, muscles, and the female reproductive system. It reduces the effects of PMS. Pink dolomite is also particularly good for insomnia.
Is said to absorb and neutralize negative vibrations. It makes one more receptive to the vibrations of other stones. Fluorite should be kept in every room of the home.
 Fluorite is known as the "Genius Stone". Fluorite may be used with other stones. It helps to open the way for the power of other stones to be effective.
It can be used as a meditation stone to help energize the body and raise the power of concentration. Healers use it to help with ulcers as well as the respiratory tract by stimulating
cell regeneration in these areas. It fortifies bones, improves arthritic or other joint ailments. It can be laid directly on the body. Increases concentration and helps in decision-making.
Known as the "Stone of Health" - ridding the body of negative energies and transmuting them to a beneficial state.
Also known in the past a "Stone of Commitment"- to purpose, to others, and to oneself.
Goldstone is a man-made stone, just a type of glass with glittery metallic material in it.
Has been called the stone of ambition and drive. Because of the copper, Goldstone is believed to embody many of the metaphysical properties of copper,
including strengthening the circulatory system, strengthening bones, and easing arthritis pain.
Green Goldstone..
Goldstone is a man-made stone, just a type of glass with glittery metallic material in it. It is a valid classification, as it has many properties of NATURAL glasses,
 such as obsidian which are modified by its being man-made and having been doped with additives. Originally created when alchemists were working towards creating gold.
Gently uplifting, mildly helpful to Solar plexus Chakra to reduce stomach tension, protect center of body.

Green Jade - Jade facilitates peace within the physical, emotional, and intellectual structures, as well as within the materialistic world.
It was said to bring accord the environment, to transmute negativity and to instill resourcefulness. "Very Lucky Stone".
Jasper Red...
Properties of Jasper Red. All the jaspers have some properties of enhancing emotional balance, nurturing, and protection. Each different variety of jasper also has additional properties.
This variety of jasper is a very strong protection stone emphasizing survival and physical protection. It is associated with the 1st and 2nd chakras. A stone of fairness and justice in that it decreases unjustness
 and helps in unfair situations. Enhances responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in dream work and dream recall. Eases emotional stresses, gives courage to speak out and have personal independence.
Balances body energy. A stone of controlled passion and used to help control one's own passions. Heals by maintaining positive movement with disorders and disease. Helps sense of smell and physical energy.
Slightly grounding, reduces stress, enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, and courage. " Stone for the Mind"
 it helps one to realize that the only limitations which exist are self-limiting concepts within the mind.
This mineral can be used to calm communication, to facilitate awareness, and to encourage emotional expression.
It builds an innate decency within ones character, encouraging those attributes which are the building blocks to spirituality.
Imperial Jasper...
Imperial Jasper is seen to personify our journey towards your God. The forgetting of what we have been before and the revealing of who we are as spiritual beings
- the suffering of tribulation in this present world and the end of suffering by living from a soul state. This rare Jasper Allows us to understand that we are apart of God and everything,
that we never have to be afraid. Royal Imperial jasper provides protection to reduce fears and insecurities

Awakens feminine power and soothes the emotions. Created by volcanic activity, it balances water and fire energy. Powerful throat chakra stone, assists in expression of emotions.
Teaches respect, love and nurturing. Cleanses unhealthy emotional blocks, releases attachments. Excellent for pregnant or new mothers to relieve depression and stress.
Some believe that larimar is the blue stone with extraordinary healing powers that Edgar Cayce predicted would be discovered in the Caribbean, where he said part of Atlantis could be found.
is a calming stone, helping in times of stress and distrust to bring about deep emotional healing.
It is popular for use on the throat, third eye and crown chakras by clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness, a popular stone for astral travel.
Sometimes called " The Stone of Transformation" assisting one in changing situations, and providing for the transfer of sacred information to
spiritual evolution; clears and activates all chakras balancing and equalizing it can creat an unobstructed path leading to a desired goal. Facilitates the rise of spirituality and the enhancement of psychic abilities.
Protects against radiation and can be used in the treatment of asthma, swollen joints, tumors, growths, broken bones, and torn muscles.
Moonstone ...
The energy of moonstone is balancing, introspective, reflective, and lunar. It is capable of helping one with changing structures of ones life on the physical,
 emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Once called the "Traveler's Stone" it is used for protection against the perils of travel.
Moonstone is also a talisman of GOOD FORTUNE. It also is said to both arouse tenderness within the self and to bring happiness to the environment in which it resides.
Onyx is very similar to agate. Onyx has straight bands of brown, white or black; agate has curved lines of many colors. Since ancient times,
Onyx has been dyed to improve the color. It is used for initiating the modes, of centering and alignment of the total person with the higher powers.
Can be used to banish grief, to enhance self-control, to stimulate the power of wise decision making, and to encourage happiness and good fortune.
It is grounding and can be used to deflect or absorb the negativity of others.
Picture Jasper...
Helps create harmony, proportion, creative visualization, positive things in business pursuits. It brings and shows hidden messages
from the past as well as hidden thoughts, fears, and hopes. These qualities make it useful as an emotional/psychological healing stone.
Picture jasper is a petrified or silicated mud that dripped into gas pockets in molten lava. It became superheated and then solidified forming
 the unusual banded patterns which are typical of this stone.
Red Agate...






Rhodochrosite is an excellent conductor of energy. Rhodochrosite in pink tones: soothes the heart, stimulates warm feelings of love and compassion,
benefits the creative process and promotes intuition. Stimulates circulation and blood pressure, kidneys and reproductive organs.

 Jasper Riband...(Brecciated Jasper)
Is best recognized by its spotted and swirled blends of black, rich browns, brick reds, and creams. It is believed to enhance organizational skills,
relax and bring about sense of wholeness, encourage kinship with animals and alleviate animal related allergies. Said to inspire happiness, create a more positive outlook on life, and relieve stress.

 Rose Quartz...
Emits a calming, cooling energy which can work on all chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving, gentle forces of self love.
Good to wear in a chaotic or crisis situation. It is "The Stone of Gentle Love" bringing peace and calm to a relationship. It can be used for spiritual attunement
 to the energy of love. It is a rejuvinating agent for both physical body and the emotions. It is an excellent energy for healing emotional "wounds". An excellent stone to give to express friendship.
Silver-A feminine energy that links with the moon, as gold is masculine/sun. Like the moon's energy it has a gentle, cool and soothing effect.
Thus it reduces inflammation, fever, nervous system stress Excellent for mental, emotional and physical cleansing and release. Works on the mind and emotions to see the bigger picture,
bring emotional balance and patience. Improves speech and eases stress.
Smokey Quartz...
Aids elimination and detoxification on all levels. Relieves fear; lifts depression, bringing calmness and positive thought. Useful for radiation-related illness or chemotherapy.
Ground spiritual energy, neutralizes negative energy. Alleviates nightmares, manifest dreams.
This blue mineral helps one to stimulate communication and psychic abilities. Also balances male-female polarities- alleviates fear, calms and clears the mind,
 brings clarity and truth. Aids in pancreas, balances endocrine systems, strengthens metabolism and lymphatic system.
Also known as Royal Lavulite and Royal Azel. Wonderful stone to wear or carry as it infuses the being with inspiration and confidence.
Healers use it to gently draw out pain (try it on headaches especially the pieces containing the black maganese), inflamation, stress, toxins, emotional blocks.
 Placed on the brow to relieve depression/despair, stress. Balances the emotions and adrenal, pineal and pituitary glands. Brings peace of mind, well being and spiritual love.
A strong protective influence it absorbs and dissolves anger, hurt and unwanted energies.
Tiger Eye...
It is helpful for individuals seeking clarity and for those who must deal intelligently with the scattered details which must be brought together in some pattern.
It can be used to enhance the psychic abilities and can assist in the gentle attunement of third eye activity. This stone is best suited to earthy people. It has been used to
 stimulate wealth and to enhance the stability required to maintain wealth. Produces soothing vibrations, generating a calmness to unsettled turmoil, and allowing one to enjoy the actions
of being unfenced and uninhibited. Can be used to enhance Self Empowerment.
Topaz Crystals can be beneficial for general health as well as for eyesight. Topaz was used long ago as a stone of invisibility —
 it was believed that, if one held Topaz in their left hand, they would not be noticed by those they were trying to avoid. It has also been carried or worn as a good-luck stone.
Topaz enhances mental processes, bringing clarity and logic to any situation. They help one to see all aspects of an issue or problem, making it easier to find a solution. In this way,
Topaz is also helpful to those searching for existential meaning, illuminating all the pieces of the puzzle and helping one to become receptive to their form.
Clear Topaz, also known as White Topaz or Colorless Topaz works bringing much energy to one's spiritual experiences.
Crystal lovers enjoy Clear Topaz for it's high vibration and purifying quality, helping those on the spiritual path to enhance their growth. Topaz brings clarification to intent,
 helping one to determine exactly what is desired, so creation can be done consciously rather than by default. Carry clear/white Topaz when having trouble with discerning the truth or telling it.
This Topaz has a purifying energy and is great for meditation, grid work or body layouts.
Emotional: Fear, Fear of Dark
Spiritual: Clairvoyance
Tree Agate...
Related to the fourth or heart chakra, Tree Agate is the common name for Dendritic Agate. It is a stone of plenitude.
Place one of these stones anywhere that you want to encourage abundance and fullness. Some of the benefits of tree agate include Enhancing the health of house plants,
 Creates a peaceful environment, Deepens your connection to the earth. Be patient when using dendritic agate. It works slowly and takes time to be effective.
Use it to encourage a more centered viewpoint in life. Healers use tree agate to align and correct anything with branches (such as blood vessels, nerves, skeletal disorders). Place it on a point of pain for relief.
Tones, strenghtens entire body, aids tissue regeneration, circulation, lungs, respiratory system. Creative expressions, peace of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship, and loyalty.
One of the most versatile of the power stones. It is a lucky stone that brings wisdom, shields from harmful influences and attracts friendship.
Considered sacred by the Native Americans, a protective stone and bestower of goodness.
Is a " Stone of Vision"
It act's to balance the emotional body, bringing it into alignment with the higher forces of spirituality.
It can be used to help one go beneath the physical symptoms of disease and to allow for the determination of the root cause underlying the condition; the cause becoming apparent
 in the cases of the physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual planes of existance. It can be used in the treatment of the reproductive system, and to stimulate healthy pregnancies
while facilitating the health of the unborn.
Yellow Jasper...
ids and protects during all types of spiritual work. It is a companion stone, helping to guide you through these earth experiences and to keep you moving on your life path.
Yellow Jasper is a wonderful stone to utilize as it will protect and clear the body of environmental toxins and impurities. If you or someone you love is clumsy or accident prone,
 a gift of Yellow Jasper will help to ease these issues. Carry Yellow Jasper when you need a boost of positive energy to infuse the body, mind and soul.
Yellow Jasper, like all Jaspers, is a supportive stone that helps people living or working in close proximity to respect and help each other. This stone can facilitate strength, courage,
and vitality in many areas of one’s life. Working with the lower chakras, Jaspers have a grounding and balancing energy, which helps one to maintain a realistic attitude during any personal evolution.
Jasper is a slow-working stone that takes its time to ingrain its positive qualities into any situation.
Physically, Yellow Jasper can be used to help cleanse and detoxify the internal organs, including the liver, gall bladder and intestines.
Yellow Jasper also helps to strengthen the immune system, relieve nausea and indigestion. Yellow Jasper can also be beneficial to work with if chronic back pain is an issue.
As with all Jaspers, Yellow Jasper will also help to absorb pain.
Apache Tears...
A form of Obsidian that has many of the same properties like grounding and protecting.
It helps us heal from the past. Gives comfort in time of grief and sorrow. Gives insight and acceptance. Grounding, protection, clarity of thought.
Helps remove blockages in emotional patterns. Allows cleansing to take place, purifies blood, boosts immune system and counteracts negativity.
Promotes a forgiving attitude and a release of grievances. Stimulates analytical capabilities and removes self-limitations.

Legend has it that during a day's fighting, 50 of the Apache Warriors were killed, and that afternoon the remaining 25, out of ammunition and arrows,
leapt to their death from the top of the mesa rather than being captured by the Cavalry. The wives and daughters of the warriors watched the day's events from the vantage of the camp below.
When they saw their men jump from the cliffs far above, they rushed to the broken bodies of their dead warriors, weeping so bitterly that their tears turned to black stones as they fell.
Thus the name "Apache Tear" for these beautiful Arizona Obsidian Gemstones.

Apache Traditional Prayer
May the sun bring you new energy by day.
May the moon softly restore you by night.
May the rain wash away your worries.
May the breeze blow new strength into your being.
May you walk gently through the world and,
Knows it's beauty all the days of your life.


  Stones and Crystals information and meanings
This list is of what I have used in my Medicine Bags

Best Crystals
(I have used all the sites listed here and they are all very reliable with great products.
But I prefer My Rock Hound, and Best Crystals for their service and products are the best.)

Gemstone Factory
Earthmother Crafts

Shopciscotraders@ebay Stores






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